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Download Ps2 Pfs Explorer: A Powerful Tool for PS2 File System


FIXED:Files and Folders on Subfolders would not be renamedIf pasted a path on the left explorer and double clicked a folder nothing would happenCreating a new partition would always return a error

Download Ps2 Pfs Explorer

V0.16.13.5-ADDED:--Right click menu in right explorer---Remove Option: Delete the selected File - works only for files - not folders--Specific function to populate the right explorer(PFS_View)--history on PFS_View--Function to use the back button on PFS_View--Now the PFS path is shown in the text bar

-CHANGED:--Every Query Function:---Query()---Query_Part()---Query_File_Path---Now they are using a folder structure, to make easier to manipulate the explorer--Some object names - there are more to change--now, everytime PFS_View is updated, the system rescan the device to make sure it's showing the current state of device

V0.12.7.3{Almost every internal functions are mapped and implementedThe system file explorer Is closer to explorer feelNow, when a device is selected in the right side of the GUI, in the case that the device is not PFS formatted, the user will be prompted to format it in the PFS systemIt will annoyingly repeat asking if the user is sure about this, and then format the device using PFSShell functionsNow, when a device is selected in the right side of the GUI, in the case it is PFS formatted, it lists the partitions in the deviceAdded Disc icon to identify game partitionsAdded Memory Card Icon For Future UseAdded Dark Icon CounterpartsAdded this Changelog fileAdded the README fileProject`s PS2-HOME thread set-upStarted PS2HDD library

FREE DOWNLOAD PS2 EXPLORER *PS2 EXPLORER Merupakan software untuk menginstall BOOT ELF. Kedalam hdd ps2 menggunakan komputer yg sebagai mana tidak bisa di lakukan pada hdd ps2 yg ber kapasitas besar misal 160 GB, jika hdd sudah ada isi gem nya tidak mungkin bisa menginstall BOOT ELF Menggunakan mmc booting dan menggunakan ps tersebut, kecuali di format ulang dan menginstall BOOT ELF Sebelum ada gemnya, capekkkkkkkk deh, jika tidak mau format ulang hdd, ps2 explorer lah solusinya.



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