Category:2005 albums
Category:Anberlin albumsThe goal of this project is to provide the investigator with skills that will allow him to develop a full scale clinical research program. The proposed study will investigate the association between behavioral and psychological characteristics of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and their cognitive abilities. The study will also examine whether the cognitive abilities of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy are predicted by the mothers' educational level. The research strategy will be cross-sectional in design. The preliminary work of the investigator's will be augmented by an intensive three-month training program in neurological and psychiatric assessment and interview techniques, neuropsychological testing, and statistical methods for data analysis. The research plan includes three specific areas. First, the cognitive abilities of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy will be examined. A comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests will be used to determine the level of cognitive impairment present in this population. Second, the study will investigate the relationship between the cognitive abilities of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and their emotional and behavioral characteristics. Two instruments, the Child Behavior Checklist and the Delinquency Questionnaire, will be used to examine the relationship between the cognitive abilities of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and their behavioral and emotional characteristics. Finally, the study will examine the association between the cognitive abilities of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and their mothers' educational levels. A variety of statistical tests will be used to determine whether the level of maternal education is a predictor of the cognitive abilities of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.Transition metal hydrides: current status and future challenges.
The research efforts in the field of transition metal hydrides have accelerated significantly since the discovery of alkaline earth metal hydrides. Transition metal hydrides play a major role in applications in areas such as hydrogen storage, fuel cells, batteries, metal-free catalysis and photochemistry. These applications have further spurred the development of new technologies based on transition metal hydrides, such as metal-air batteries, electrical energy storage, conversion of CO2 into fuels, solar energy conversion, catalytic water splitting and multi-electron transfer reactions. This progress is fueled by new materials science approaches and technologies, such as synthesis, nanotechnology, electrochemistry, scanning tunneling microscopy and theoretical chemistry. Furthermore, recently developed mechanistic ideas for transition metal hydrides have enabled their structures to be more easily elucidated and improved. Novel transition metal hydrides of an increasing number of elements have ac619d1d87
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