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American Pie Beta House Torrent


0= = CI6 THE Ti WASHINGTON WASHI GTON HERALD 1T1AT1L FRIDAY NOVEMBER 2 1906THE WASHINGTON W HERALD HERALDPw1tedP Pw1ted Wtlie4 Every Morning Momia IB ia tile Yew eiry fey feyTHE iIyTHETHE WASHINGTON HERALD COMPANY COMPANYPujfcatioa COMPANYPilPujfcatioa Pil oa ezOc Office731 73 FIFTEENTH STREET NORTHWEST NORTHWESTEattnd NORTHWESIEatIMl NoRTHvE5liEattnd Entt M s MeMNt iH waiter au OeMter Oeeb 5 K06 19OOt 19OOtbe It tthe past paetake Sce at WMbfeswa Wal hiWD D C Co wwtr 8dtr act ef eCContra C rf e M MarC wh S 3si 3siScOTT ISM ISMSCOTT 1iifSCOTTSCOTT C C BONE Efitor EfitorErnest EJitorEranErnest IL U Merriclr Treasurer and Bennett tine Maaer MaaerVfSam MaaaftrWiIiVfSam P Sjwf Sp1rfeen een Maufo E Iitw IitwQueaee rCUresee Cran e C C Archibald AJ IbId Advertising Adveni MverihintMansge af Mantf MaaflU MaaflUJ srJ 1 HzrryCa r aiA BjfcH IaTh fR > Aodim AlldiurCJark4Charles 9k3 CTWfjMi C TiteIBf Mubaafeal 3pedntatfeBt 3pedntatfeBtTdcjwacMaiaSnj spai spaiTTdcjwacMaiaSnj T clcpaee an Private Brandt Brin Cacfeefe CacfeefeTV bMateBerTV WMbinctoB Herald I Ii 4kM dtIbwftI wi by i ewfer crret rf rfthe Vtee t tthethe District of OatamWa M aM uAIe t AtMUMirfe Aka Va VaDaily Va Vaat Lat 15 Dti ti per p JIIWk Hi a a at atSS ceata per ath th w witJsq th thSs1Hrip 4i7 eSs1Hrip Sg = n Rat RIs RIsDafly hMI hMIDaDyDaily sad Sunday SundayD cents ciit ta pert perJMBtkJ43I pertDtLuD DtLu DIuy uy and ad Sunday SundayDaily 4 J43I > pir p jw rDaily without 8qd I j jwturtut 25 epK Rts pec Mt iBdBth th1 > wturtut UMIat Sunday ijaada 4101 par jssr wr wrXo r rttatioXo o Attention ttatio ttntoiicbteier Kfeatetcr will bt paid to tocontrtlMltioDl MQWNUcontritttttooi ntrbStks and no ccMwmicatiom 1IieatiaDs te U Ute editor editorwin eaarTillwin b he prate IIiaIe4 M tMtyt m oK r the me 1M e el f Ue writer wflMMnteripte 11 afierMl f fr palsfeaUM US will t ttumcd 1 iii re returnedturned K nrw 1InPaiWe imsaiae MjiMe tat t rtampj s rt JIMNW JIMNW1I1t > onM k be tent I1I1t tth tfte Buwmript Wdpt sedt tar f that pucpae pucpaeAltAlt 11 cninmiiiilwMMM MhIL 1 r J inUndrt Iti for thte pa pawhether laPft laPftWbetMrwhether fer tke > Hy or tile Smtky taiae IIIIIae MIue gin ginlie IIIIIud IIIIIudbe diidaddrdlie addrMcd to THIt TMU WASHINGTON WAllII GTU 11JSKAU USRAWFRIDA >FRIDAY FRIDA Y NOVEMBER 2 19 19Roots 19M 19MRootsRoots Arraignment of Hearst HearstTheThe whOm 00 country mtry knows today what whatthethe th administration aclmratkm at Washington W tOl1 thinks thinksof thuksofof Wilthm 1111 Randolph R plt Hearst t Democratic Den1ocraUceandklatecandidate for governor of New York YorkBy YorkBBy B direct dtr Ot authority of the President ienl the theSecreiSecretary Secrei l7 ot State Stat Hon BlUm flhn Root 0Gt has hasspoka Ispoken poknapoke spoken as Elihu 1thu Root only can canpeak Lu t pttbHc man over OV oir r before came from fromthe oomthe Ithe th lips of a Cabinet officer ofDcerHearItHearst Is pilloried by Root as Hearst Heantthrouthrou through b his newspapers has pilloried pilloriedotherother men The assassination tlo of Presi PrNldentDIcKinleY Frestdentd dentDIcKinleY dent nt McKintey 18 laid at his very door doorHeHe is I called to account for the outbursts outburstsofof reckless reckIe a freehanded writers held hIdto up 1IPto Ito public view as a menace to the State Statea Staikind a nd rvstian OIlan Uonn an exploiter of a species of ofjournaBsm oljournaBsm that makes for mischief and aJMIl1Isorder a Idisorder If no ether public man was Wqer8O w Iever ver er8O ao arraigned It is t because no iw other rpublic man was ever so flue a subject for tor8QM1 to isuch an ai ft arraignment arral arragnm 1ftent 1ftentFire nt ntFiretmetwithftrcFire Firetmetwithftrc FiretmetwithftrcThe is met with nre Are AreThe t tThe >The speech itself the timing t1mifl of It it and andthe lidt Ithe t hede1lvery delivery dltv ry of of t It fthy by direction of the 1MPtIDv thePresident th IPresident PtIDv PrSSdeMtIflvOlIe Involve a a dramatic art MIll MIlls md a i Isense s nse of spectacular effect that the aptest aptestpupil ptst ptstpupil Lpupil in Mr Hearsts school bool of oftion91tsm sensa aenaationtionansm tion well U might iIgbt t emulate and envy envyThe eftvyThe envyTheThe Secretary of State Stat gives New York Yorkand Yorkndand nd the country at large something aomethln to tothink tothink tthink about aboutIfIf the great body ttf voters who so to tothe tothe tthe polls poll on Tuesday hold WtlUaatRu WtlUaatRudolph William Ran Randolph Randolphdolph Hearst reeiMttiefbte b as the admin administration acbIIlaIftratiOll istration does does for the wild ild utterances of ofhis o ohi ahhi ihis hi unbridled newspapers De pen he will wIIIreeeWe wIIIreeeWethe receive receivethe CCathe he smallest sznaH vote ever ev cast for any aIQrunning aa man ai arunning for office Bat ut will they t do it ItltbWith ltb th tIM extraojTtteary extn coodltidM eondttl s now nowprttvulHn nowPNVAJ1bIg noPNVAJ1bIg prov prttvulHn 41nE bt New > 5 m York nobody aood can cant Qfttfll en It tfll tf Htfllr HMrMr r Boots Bout speech esch may render the re result re result sult k 1etIa ka > ss > wieertajm JIeer but ec uncertainty will wfllontinue willootin WI IIontinue ootin unttt tit tbjt t tMr voi en s are ar eovntcd eovntcdMrMr Carn crpsge ge e thinks LiliA Hearst would never neverhave Jtftehave aevi aevihave Thave been heard beanlP srt 1 bat for hie money moneyIt eyIt sne r rTtIt is i doubtful that Uncle Andy Ddy would wouldlook WIMIIdJok vI 44Ulook iok so much ueb like ce a fourteentadi aun aunif pnif gu Uif it were not for the same aBleWIll thing thineWillpWill Our 6irls Cirls rIs Ever Learn LearnIt LenrnIt LearnItIt will 1 do m n > go good d of course but merely merelyfor Merelytor ereI I Iforfor the sake at pardcipnting PlrtlClp tlag a Wttte ta a aiurrent aurrentiurrent discussion that is I sure to arouse arousenatural alOURnatural arnuenatural C aCnatural but unnecessary choler we Ire dealreto IretQ dealt e eIfto t inquire why h so many Da8 j American an gjrls lrla Ia of oflarge ofJar C Iflarge Jar e inherited wealth marry mar Europeans Europeansof Europeansof Isof inherited titles Tb The Inquiry we say y yuseJeae is isuseless I Ituseless because e at the base of the dUll difficulty dUllcutty 4I 4Iduty II I duty lies that hat most mysterfoo MY8t rio1lll moot in incomprehensible i1lcomprehensible it I comprehensible comrehepj most agsravaxing a vatbtg rOb problem prollem t It J lem with which the good i Od oiiLorias Lord L has seen seenlit MeAt tea a alitlit t t to beset His creatures creatur cretureee a woman womanswind womaasDin awind Philosophize about it ae a we w may m r arindulge in I metaphysical speculation to toour toour Iour hearts content probe to the bot bottom bottom boltorn IL L tom Ute Immeasurable IIe store of wisdom wisdomproduced mproduced tsldei 0 0producedproduced by the worlds logicians logiciansthrough JoIdaMthrough 1oIcat In Inthroughthrough all the agee and nd we e arrive at atno atno Ltno more satisfactory saU factory a ref re it U than Ute tbetrite Utetrite iii Lte etrite and petulent conclusion O of the wise wiseman wl8eman wli mman who declared that when hen a woman womanwill womanwill woma womawill wlift ftwill she will and when ben she wont wontwont she shewont uiiwont and thats that the end of it itWe Il IlWeWe do net t raeait 1t to say that proportion proportionately proportionatel preportlotately I ately atel there are ar not as a many gentlemen gentlemenamong geRtiemenmonr gentemi et etamongamong the titled nobility of Europe urope as asthere a Isthere are among the th untitled millions of ofmen ofmen i ifmen in the th New World as well as the U Uold ItOld Your gentleman is born Nor rank ranknor ranknor rati iknor title can canmake make a a gentleman gentetn out of ika a aruffian arumanruffian any mere Bte than a sHk purse se can canbe ca1lbe ci inbe made out of a sows BOW ear T But the LI LIfeature afeature of annoying interest is that se semany 88many m mnanymany of our girls gfrI rls seem to think in their theirhle5Sd the irblessed souls ults that because a European Europeanwho Europeanwho Europeawho UI irUIwho comes seeking them themor or their money moneywith mont ywith an inherited ln title he h is a gen go Ii tleman that he is tender brave chiv chivalrous chivalrous ehi ehiairoul v Iiv alrous that he will ill be ever loving Iovtlt and atkind and considerate that his rank and andstation andstation at atstationstation will bring to them happiness s and andsocial andsocial at RI RIDrsocial ocIa1 prestige Pf e which It te t impossible for forthem forthem I Ithem Drthem to attain at n in this country of demo democratic demot1tJe dem 0 0eraije cratic instltutioHs Inad uUoRL Probably parents DlUefttaaDd DlUefttaaDdguardlaJUI at nd ndguardians Id Idguardlane 1guardians could prevent some me of the mar marital DNUltal ma maII ital mistakes made by our girls if proper propercftort properftort prop er reffort ftort were made We do not recall recallsl era a asinglesingle sl 1e case of an elopement by an Ameri American Anterlcan Amet I can millionairess with 1th a European duke dukeor dukeOr dub duboror prince or count or whatnot j This Thisseems Tblsseem Tbseems to argue that in every alliance allianceAmerican Tbof of oCJmeI1caaAmerican millions with Old World titles titlesconsent titlesconsent tit ma maconsentconsent of tbe girls protectors was 1 ob obtained Obtalnecl 0 b btaltied tained tainedCases taltiedCaaeitalnecleaeCases In point are the shocking sbockI revela revelations reveIIlU a atflg tions U n8 in the marital relations of tile tbeDuchess tileDucbeM U he heDucheen 8Duchess of Marlborough and tile Countess Countessde COURtde COURt 8 8dede Casteluuie Beth of these American Americanwomen AmerleanWOIm Americt In Inwomen 1women are living apart from theirun unworthy unwortby a aworthy worthy husbands Each is seeking legal legalseparation 1ep1eparatlon kg j 1 1slparatlonseparation There is really reall little of oCWity gen gentility go U Ililly at the fountain source urcc of either of ofthe ofthl Uofthe noble families into which these theseyoung tbe8eyoun the theyoung emyoung youn women married The founder of ofthe o othe ofthethe Marlborough house was wa one of the theworst theWtrst t lie liew4rstworst old ld rakes of his day cia WhIle be was wasa wasa w as asaa great t lighter he was atoo 100 a monumen monument 0 0t4lTU t t4l I grafter rran Moat of the battles ttles he lost lostreceived IMtI lo stI > received filthy ftlt y money for for permit permiting perMIt1ng porm It Ithnging 1ng the enemy to win Castellane eate flRe at best be8tJ b ut utI1 j a soidisiitt cltstJtt count c ut Title TIt of nobility nobilityo nobill ty tyao France were tt ere ingulfed in that t awful awfultorrent awfnltorrent awl ui uitorrent jtorrent of bleed produced by the French Frenchrevolution Jrcenehrevohatioftt1te Freti cli clirevolutiontherevolution revohatioftt1te U e most horrible tale in all allthe allthe i il ilthe Ithe annals of the human h mn race Away back backIn backIn bsi ck ckin iIn history when the Roman empire plN was wastottering wastott w an antottering jtottering tott > rtn to tts fall there u was a Cftsiel Cftsiellane Qs et etlane tilane who sprung up p above the pygmies of ofhis 0 0his ofIshis Is time and it te probable that tha the theC theCllaftelil Cs Csteilanee a LO LOtelianeateilanee llaftelil of this thu day trace their origin to tethat totbat tothat 9that source In neither case ought any an 7 body to be puffed up by bearing Han the thename t1Jename t lie lienamename nameBut nameButBut But of course It te not tbfe tbI that at attracts a l ltracts f t ttracts tracts the American millionairess lhlollMSnoe llMSnoesbt whose whosesteter no nos1tsteter sbt r to poverty by the Ui way w weukI euk1 W also alsobe al 10 10bebe attracted t just as rtroagly It she bad badthe Hadtbf It ad adthethe opportunity Nor will the unbaypy unbaypyexperiences unbQpyexperl unh P1 P1sxprIencsoexperl sxprIencso experiences of Ute daughter of the Van VanderbHts Vanderb Vi LU LUderbfttsderbHts derb fS or the daughter of the Goulds Gouldswho Goudsw Couh Is Isv1owho w o are now stirring our national sensi S41Mit soap SitI srn Nlrte m tieg to the th depths have a A deterrent atarentetleffect etl effwa ct upon other er American women whowant whowant wa flt to marry JIIN a titled European In Inthe Intbethe stramja woof and web b of woman wornnp wornnp11IIndmind mi miIty nd there seems seern 10 be ono trait or qua qual qualItyity that te common OOJ oornmonevery monevery every woman IS s con convineedvinced vin ctiti that she can get along happily happilywithwith wit witfro h the man she marries oS it was wufromjl from fro nt the beginning for Mother Eve EverI found r fou f umi nd that Adam was a weakling thing tbhtgatHland au 4 so it willbe win be to the end uDdAA Aha man Milt ni n of the name of Robinson Crusoe Crusoehas Crusoebuhas ha t taken a hand in the New York cam camPflISP palgn pe ign Evidently Robinson fails to ap appreciate ap appredate P predate pre date the Ut advantages dvantacs of a peaceful an1 an1bppyh happy liO py home MUleAA Curious Condition of Affairs AffairsTwo AtfnlJSTOTwo T Tthe wo Hundred laborer are wanted wuatedthe by bythe bthe District government tp work under unftertbethe direction of the engineer of highways hlghwaYLTheyThey Th ey are being sought by advertisement 841nrUseIlHNltandland and an anpro d unless un they respond to title appeal apptalproppedproposed pro p900d public imprevements lr prevm t must silt Riterfor er 41bo tte statement is nrnJIe niae that labor laboris laDorisis n scarpe scarpeAt MeaTpeAt ncr eAt A t the same time there are over three threehundred threehundredhundred hu ndrtd ablebodied men now occupyingitho occupying ig igthoitho t th e municipal workhouse A large Iarg ge pro proportion proportion prortionI portion po rtion of them were committed for in infractions Infractions f fractions fra ctioun of minor laws and regulations regulationsI rerulatJo rerulatJobutI i but bu t many man scores were sent down because becausethey beeaethethey the th ey were acknowledged vagrants The Tttecurioue ThecUriouecurioue cUrioue cu rious anomaly is presented therefore thereforeofI of ofla the District government governm8lit seeking eeklnrla 3M 3Mlaborers Sllaborers la borers r8nJ to t t engage enp in honest bon and com comparatively COIIIpanttivelyparatively po pocu ratlvely remunerative work with IUt dUll diffleulty dUllawryawry cu ity in obtaining them and yet it is af affordingf fording fo rding free board and lodging to a great greater greater greatIe er number We do not knew kni that the theItuatloa theuation Isituation sit uation can be remedied but it certainly certainlyinvites certalnl7invUa certainlyvitesf invites in vites serious comment The question quaUoat Inaturally na t turally li7 arises whether or not we e are aretoot too to o generous getierocs ereroa in I dealing with the lazy laz and aDd1dIe andepopulat30n Ii idle IdI population To TOe be sure some of the theInmates theinmate themoteai Inmates In motea of the workhouee are made to towork tow tci work w ork They labor in Hock Creek Park Parkap Piu1taPirIIap a l d t the th e outskirts OU lkirta of the city It is extremely extremelydoubtful extremeJyvl extremd4 doubtful do ubfvI vl however whether hetber the nttmfci nttmfcipality lldel lldelpalltj pality pa papr ftty receives In labor anything Wee a apropfItJenate a Lj proportionate pr orUonste return return for tbe cost of boas housIng boasIni Ing lu The Th Th e latter are evidently well insisteaI satisfied satisfiedwith tided tidedwitkthelr tlefletkthlr Ii with witkthelr 1 tkthlr their condition They sleep ia warm wanaud Ii and an d comfortable bunks They site a certain certainof certIaof Iof o i do O not have to worry about bUt at material lllaterialtIIID maltaIaings 1t thinge tIIID th ings They are Xe well eared for ht every everyway everyWIQ ece eceayT way w ay and this fact compensates te large largepart laqreJU1i part W I if not entirely for their loss la el f free freedom trce trceTblee t dom domThree enL enLThreeThree huMdred h hu dred mutates in I tbe work workbouse wet1cMuse wsrknceMuse he nce 3M laborers badly 1I wanted The beIII Scontrast c i in ear r minds it look Joe looks as 1C t eSe pan panof panof per perourof j par ge arMt 1 Taft says Y 78 Mr Bryan is a humorist humoristHeHe I t probably pr1 bases his b ststamtnt 1M t lt ltiIIlr upon uponMr o NJ Mr Iw a Bryans Bryu a declaration that the Presfktont PrnIkIeIIt Prod Prodalktont ide > al needs a Democratic Hous HOGle to help belwhim bet phim hi m along to glorySoraothlnR glory gktTSornolngSoraothlnR Som Ullng New cw Under the Sun SunWtea f fWlWl Wtea n Softmoa Omett declared there was aoth aothtag not notg I1 tag fa g new under the sun he had never con consMeredi sMered ji dered the possible ble future existence e of ofWisconsin ofWIIJeonsIa a IfaItWisconsin W Iucontls Had Ute socalled IIH wisest wtt of ofmen oCbeeR 0 Itmen m en been forewarned of the forthcoming forthcomingAmerican fortheomin 0g gAmerican A appearance appenrs ce of this great State Statewe Statiewe w e bav have no obttllat doubt that be would nave hove re retrained ye yeaiaedtrained fr aiaed from uttering utaeI1 tilt remark attruV attruVuteri otteR otteRted ttu uteri ted te him htm for or Wisconsin baa as undoubt undoubtedly I o edly dly come forward with something tlaW en entirely eurdy 5 tirely ti rdy new and unheard 1teR1d of under u tbe sun sunTbe suaThe am ampresentThe present State administration of ofWisconsin CWbtecmaIn aWisconsin refuses ref to accept any 1 furthertaxes fUTth fUTthaxestaxes tax t axes from tbe th downtrodden doynttWdeoexeept except and andatone an anloneatone a lone for school purposes purpolle8and and announces announcesthat an othat t hat tber tlIerfi teva I surplus abova all estimates estimatesof naatea naateaatof o f M8tel 11Stw Wow Jlitw hi tINt ttfesarary not 1IOlIIMRtkMt t ttkm I gIIIIMRtkMt tkm come Stlftefcj on tile tilefr th thfir omgid omgiddamcrtag Idamcrtag far admtenirnil Ia 1 addtUon to tothis tot 0 0histhis t his the promise te made that practically y1 1 00 will 111 be remitted to taxpayers as ascash aslah a Iscash c ash in hand for wMeh the State has no noearthly IIearthly ii 4 4arthlyearthly e use Not only win in the tbetratfon admlnis admlnistratlbn Itratlbn t decline to toeeept accept more than thanenough thaaeaoUCh tim timnough Senough e to conduct that t States State affairs in ina aa I Ibusinesslikea businesslike and economical fCOltOmlca1but mannerbut manner Ibut b ut positively declines to have any such suchthing uc h has Uthing as a surplus lying around woultCf to toannoy I 0I annoy and pernaps tempt TIle govern government pvernment goveraeet ment m eet has reverted to the eMfaenloned eMfaenlonednotion uIdfshlontotion IaIoMdI notion notJo n otion of taxation for necessary Mee revenue revenueonly reees efORb only onlyIf 0 017i If thin tlJ isnt something ntethIRg new under the thesun theuet U Uthen Isun then Solomon was right rIcbttItue rIcbttItuecaauot righttheabe there therecannotcannot be For its parallel a a search of ofhistory ofhistory thistory h istory seems see vain As A an a example e of ofrefreshing ofrairestUarairestUa refreshing r newness ReA and novelty elt7 it stand standquite staaUquite Isquite q uite in a class by itself itselfThis lIMItTIPs ItselfThIsThis happy hai state of affairs rtalrs te attribu attributable aUrItIuDIe attrlhiable table t DIe to the new taxation law by 1 1 wMeh wMehthe wWcbtbe widethe t he railroads of the Suite are forced to topay topay 1 Laaboutpay about three millions annually 11 into UUOtho mi intothe LO LOhethe t he State treasury This hJs Is a Ut Increase Increasein JItCIIaIIeIn PS PSrevenuein t JaX ax revenue from railroad sources ef efabout ofabout I ifbOUtabout O bOUt M per cent and sems to be beone beone 1 itone of the fruits of Senator Sena r La Follettes Folletteslongdrawnout PoIletuJ 1J longdrawnout cInlwnout light in Wisconsin caMla In Indeed IJadeed L a deed d eed it looks very much like the rail railroads railroads ral roads r for once in their ttvvg 1tVWi are paying payingthe JM7IaItthe psyb sg sgfreighLthe freight freightIt freirtltItIt te an old saying that nothing JMttJdncaure te tesuresure s ure save death and taxes tAX Wisconsin Wisconsinseems W In Ineems 1t 1t8e8MtIseems t to have altered tnts time ttMe1IeRored ttMe1IeRoredproye honored honoredproverb tdproverb t for even taxation teems H name uncertain 1UIeerlain r rain lain l in that great State StateWe SW SWWe StatsWeWe trust our erstwhile e e stwhfle Oriental friends friendswill fndt5wilt filou in inwillwill do nothing rash rant at least until dt Sena Senator SeMtor Lou a aot tor t ot Bevertdge e 8 has an opportunity t te tell tellus teltuc Li sit sitabout Ius about the Japanese Ja afteM advance adRJtCeT1ICThe Utilization of Waste WasteOne WnsteOne WastctheOne of Ute most mo rcmarkabht and 1Id iater IJtterMUJtC bite a aatingeeting e tendencies of modern civilization clYiilzntJthe in intheU l the utilization of materials hitherto hithertoconsidered hether toconsidered c worthless worthlessInIn municipal administration this Htittm Htittmtton atton t ies of waste has been developed to ahigh J fJh degree In New York City C1t for in instance Iftstanee I Ithe stance the refuse which was v J formerly formerburned or otherwisedestroyed IS now nowconverted BOWounotted no IV IVintoconverted into a source of revenue ithas been found that wa waste te paper when wheneolteeted wk en enatfteete4lcollected and baled command a ready rd rdmark 17 17maralmarket mark at a remunerative price white whileGkI wh Lie Lieoldold pieces of rubbercan be used over overapJII ow ot otgrtagain to grt advantage Castaway tin tincans tincans In Inarecans are available aVan8 9 for conversion nYe n into Intocircular In to toircularcircular c dies which are used for patent patenttope PlLtentlops pate tat tatop 1tope t op of bottles while scraps of woolen woolengoods woolenIoods wool en engoodsgoods can be woven into cidth for cheap cheapsuits ell8lt1tsuit cha op opsuits 1suits suit Old shoes and other bits of leather leatherhave leatherhave leath or orhavehave a marketable value In fact faet nearly nearlyevery nearlyevery near ly lyevery >every detail of city refuse ror is again usable usablefor u seal W Wfor sla slaforfor some purpose or other the result resultbeing te ultbet ou tit titbetagbeing bet that in many cities cltt there is aclve aclvecompetition aclveeomp acI ye yecompetition 8competition eomp tlUon for the opportunity to collect collectand coilectancl colk 1 thanditand handle hRndl the th material which the the he mu muni in lu lunioIpaIltynioipality ni formerly gathered and destroy destroyed dentre 17 ed at great expense e expenseevery p nS nSInIn every phase of commercial endeavor cnd erdesv ror rortht8 or orthiS rthis utilization of waste has been reduced reducedj redue ed edato a science Sawdust is no longer worth wor or orlea Is Isen less b en When reduced to a solid mass byhydraulic hyduI pressure prees re and immense heat it itbecomes ItbecOmes ItJi tbecomes Ji men capableof being molded into any anyshape a fly flyofshape ef receiving a brilliant polish Imi Imiualon Im Iii rat ratLOtIOnLOtIOn wlOn marble it i te also tO asserted ass rted can can cm be bemanufactured bemaaufacturea bemanufacturedmanufactured from rom a mixture of sawdust sawdustwith sa sawd wd lot lotwith t twithwith ivory waste water glass g and glue gli usPine needles which wore formerly allow allowed a nile 1 low lowad w wd ed d to rot uselesslyon the ground are arenow arenow a ireflO enow flO converted Intoa material known as asforast asforest asforestforest wool and ued u ed for r mattresses and andhygienic andbygJenic a nal nalarticles jhygienic articles uticl such as vests v ts and cbest cbestprotectors cItoetprcteet cIt Os Osprotoetors tprotectors prcteet r The Ti hitherto waste wst stack stackwhieh sini ak akWhiobwhieh was counted C countel UIt as losg Ios to tQ the coil coilmine c co ii iiInlet l lmumine mu operator o tor is Is now In demand by byI fIn makers m kero of cement and even quartz rock rockcan rockcan rockbeo can be converted into glass glassEverybody slnsBEvery glassverybodyEverybody Every E verybody bodS knows how the great abat abattoirs abattoirs abatre ti toirs Loi re of the country after dressing the themetan meat meta me et t for food utilize all the t e remaining remainingportions romalnlngportions remainingrtionsp portions po rtions of the tb slaughtered animal The Theblood Thobloodb blood blo od says an 31 expert who has Investi Investigated Investfpted Investied gi gated gat ed the subject it te congealed and man manufactitred IIhlnutaeturedu ufactitred uta ctnred into buttons butto II and is also util utilized ultlIzed uttid ia ized ice d in the production n of albumen for the theUSQu USQ of calico printers the sugar reftnw reftnwthe raftnorUte roflnortannerthe tanner and others The bones bon are arem areform uso t lag manufactured into knife and tooth toothbrush toothbrush toothsh brush bru sh bandies hand chessmen combs backs backsof bactusof backsbrusheso of oflio brushes mouth mouthttl mouthplqea pi s 9 of pipes and va various Vlrtoua rl rious lio ns other articles ijany 31ziy rany articles such suchas suchsa suchglueas aslei glue fly 11 paper san aul paper r gelatine gelatineitinglass golatlJaeIfitinglass If lei ngisas curled hair bristles brft1C wool 001 felt frftlaundry toltlaunttrr feltndrylaundry lau ndry soap p ammonia 0 c are re now nowmade nDWmade nowdei made ma de from tbe former waste products of ofthe orthe ofabattoirr the abattoir Half of the profits of the theStandard t1MStandarcl thendardi Standard Sta ndard Oil Company comes from the themallutaeturei manufacture ma nufacture of byproducts while one of ofthe ofthe ofet the th e most mo t remarkable instances of the theutilisation theutJllRtionutilisation uti lization of waste te the manufacture Of o oandoil valueless value va lueleus seed of the cottcn coUc n plant UM U an annual annual anal nual an al revenue from this production alone alonenow alenenownow no w exoeedinjr IW 5fi fXO fXONo eOG JOC JOCNoNo one oile can calculate the enormous enormouswealth onormOMwealtli enorinosaalthwealth we alth which te thus Lh beIng added to the thecountry theeoaatr7country co untry Nor has tne end yet y t been reach reached reacheel reachIn ed In every branch of commercial comm relal industry In4 In4try indus Indiany try tr y skilled aJdU investigators are now engaged engagedin Oftgtl OftgtlIn engagedworkingin working out ou other details Of this great greatproblem greatof greatoblemproblem pr genius ge nius is teaching teaebln a great lesson to tho thorest thorelit I Ietr rest re et of the world and nd above all it itacId te teadding Itdingadding acId ad ding to our power and 03k greatness by In hicreasing Increut Inasingc creasing creut cre asing the sources 8OQ of our wealth wealthThe wealthTheThe Republican D campaign fund te said saidto salet SaIdbe It to be growing powtn weaker w r and weaker klt kltday every oroa oroay4 day da y of the New York Y ok campaign cal Jllls1t much to tothe toUte toet the th e regret of its many friend friendThru frf frfThruThru has been declared 4eeIsr mtewwtitti miemnitituinal ttu ttuttomtitiOfMl ttomt tic inal I IAtJAtJ SncjUsh E hih woman say anyw that welMa welMabetter wosi utnnen utnnenmuch I Iatm at much better bankers ken tfeut JJHW 1 1TMtmThThe TMt Th al may y be true DId you over knew knewa kuniMOO HmnF Fi a man te borrow money from Me wife wifeand wit 1 1and Cand an d escape pcytas It bark less U than mvso mvsoor V VOf i ieightor efo eight it times timesdeveland U UCkYelaacl dma dmaClevelandCleveland 1011Io Ohio society womia n have haveforsaken Jaaqfonatea boat boatrsakenj forsaken fo rsaken bridge whist for f peen In tne us cer cerner ewnerner no r and blind mans IDIUJ bolt After that tkutwho tktwhowho w now ho will doubt that real real true reform reformte J Jis thata ai te spreading spreadingOh spread spreadOb opreadnObawordiaaamigstateaEIbOb Oh ObawordiaaamigstateaEIb ObawordiaaamigstateaEIbheeler a won WOld te a sons state Ea EaWheeler JIJaWheelerWheeler W heeler Wilcox Just now un there tIIento seema seemato aemabeto be some discord gemd m the th enolr olr however howeverA wever weverAA thought eleartag boast baa been beeatabllltiled es estabttsbedt tabttsbed ta bliabed ia Chicago A A sort ff or C reHned reHnedcalaboose ldMdnl renei enIt Itcalaboose ra An Indiana I autotst who ran hits i inedeetrlaa a apedeenedeetrlaa ti1aa wants to settle the bealent dIiartu dIiartueat ment m eat by personal combat And new comes comesthe eeIMetbethe th e mean suggesUon eadoa that the Utebe autotst autotstbe auth comaIt Itbe b e armed with a pillow and the pedes pedestriaa JMdoItr Itriaa tr aa with a dub dubAmid dabAIIIIdAmid all 0 the dID the taee thetltgidlled 4tsniaed allele slleacsof allelef 1eIiee 1eIieeoC nof o f our ou old reliable corresnondcntA corresnondcntAVox COCTe pandeltI pandeltIoxVox ox PopuH OeMumt Oe MUuit Reader tod todPre ft4PN n npro ilPre Bono Pubttco la veo vtt grattfrii grattfriiKver 8tUl7ta 8tUl7taEnr 1o 1oof St1 of o fMudenta atodente atodentei b bSpaIni Spain has seat a war ship to Morocco MoroccoAs IIorooco1I0Ie0C0 pAs A s Morocco sJho baa a w wv r ship thin tbta1Ik looks lookssomething Ioi Ioilike asomething like 1Ik an even bluC bluCOf bot botOf bIuOf course Japan JapamaT may just j as welittn welittnderstand w well welleratand dl n nderstan4derstand d that Tack Sam Isnt t got gett ghegl gtbe b t sfctisfled tided with hippiag a He HeIn dtiitg 1 1Ia lip tIn I n the event ef may 7 un uaDeau sasaijt sasaijtBecauseBecause a SOuth Carefma gifl tl bac bacopened Iopened o a a law office ia Waantegtion the J1eClup1e6ilon theCharteston 1 1ts II ICharteston C tiirinon Kews Ke and Courier thinks thinksUttejatioa thtaJcsUUpUoa tidal tidalUUtMO tsUttejatioa may be a pleasure now in UK UKNational tIMNadoDal it It ItrNational N Capital cal MayT May Tnt Tat tat we weshould weoukI is ishould rshould s say 7 will willTbe wlUriterite Pufiman 1 Company contends that It ItpIy1 simpiy i pIy runs a hotel 1 on wheel wheels TIde TIdethe J Jthe isthe t he last tune we ever suspected the eon eondoctors emtd8eCOrS 1doctors d octors wore anything an7t but real reaUdIsmond reaUdIsmondThat diamonds diamondsThat d dTbat ema aThat New York magistrate rate who sea sentenced seatettetd esi esieitced tenced t his cook to jai for ten days te teprobably illprobabIJprobably agurrag now bow be can man manage manqe ma a age a ge to live at the jail for Ute time belnf belnfWe beln belnWe hem gWe note the strenuous candidacy CJHIWa y of ofAdam f fAdaAdam A I LltUepage in West casdidacylit Virginia but buttrust Is Isr lit t ttnMttrust t his opponents have generously over overI overlooked ave avej rI ln looked l the great t opportunities for per peri pe penlelous p1ielotis ji nlcious n ielotis punning punn ft presentefi by his name nameGov nalMGovGov Magcon Ma has already abolished sev several snen se C eral t eal offices 0 since he took charge cbr In Cuba Cubabut CubaNt Cub sea abut the patriots can stand that so long us usI lIS1M isI he does not reduce the generate to ranks ranksGeorge r a1c8G reac 5George G e Bernard Ber ard Sba Shaw says YB that pre prefaalty prefat pr 0faalty fat f te not a sin but a positive pesltlet necessi necessity neceni prII II ty t 7 Thte TIt Thu te nothing more or less ia titan an anattempt allatteaapt aattempt a to take Uncle Joe Cannons epi epigram opigram e gram g ram out of homespun MIa and put it into Rto a adres 8dredres dre t ireni suit suitTbe nitTIMTIM Raleigh N N C Times says Cuba Cubate CURvery Ccl Ccls tote I s very much like North Carolina Caro n That Thatlooks ThatJoob Th Tholooks o k suspiciously like the Times TInt candi candidate candidate cua cuaOte date d Ote failed to win winLovers w wLovers whyLoveraLovers and Lunatics L aatk is the name of ofew a anew aDewnew n ew play A lute example of a distinction distinctionwithout dlstlnetJonwithout distinethwithoutwithout a difference differenceDiscussing dtK dtKDIacDiscussing DIac the meat controversy contrOversVFrederick Sir Sirlrederlck 11Frederick Treves says tbe American peo people peopie pe petIpie are prone to strain at gnats a and d swal swallow swa w8J w8Jlow tI low l ow eantels Cant say y we may have haveswallowed haveJInowed ha Vtswallowed s some camel along with the rest restof restof rc tstof it itThere itThereThere might be one advantage in con continuing oontfDulng co n tinuing t the Countess de Caatollanes in income Income I a come at 311 fft per month after the present presentproceedings presentproceedi prose ttproseotproceedings proceedi p are a concluded She could not notpurchase notIrehue a aPMe otpurchase another count with it itHon ItBon ItHon Adial E E Stevenson has as beon in intervtewed Inte I Iewnd fltervtewed te t wed on w the New York situation situationNow sltuatlenNow m matINow that the last precinct has been beard beardfrom baa n1 n1from atIfrom we see no reason why the balloting ballotingshould lIInotin lIInotinhould lmllotlshould rigshould not n t begin n Instantly iMtantiyAA Birmingham poet t has written a sonnet sonnetto sons n let et ettoto a collar button He ought to put putcopy 8 8copyputhecopy of It under tile be bureau where the thecoflar thecoRal t tcHar hecoRal button will be sure to see It ItTbe ItThe ItThe Augusta GaChronicles GaChroni les Fair edi edition edition ci ciLion II tion eightyfour et 1ttylour pages is a recent rocontachJevemtnt rose mt mtitsachievement m In Southern journalism journalismworthy journalismwortby journaTh itsjournaThleworthy of more than passing notice Be Besides Besldetl t lesides carrying 23i 2 columns of advertising advertisingthe adv tdvertlttv tdvertlttvthe rUling rUlingtbe gthe paper also ISQL carries some 300 columns columnsof columnsof colum columInstructiveof instructive ami interesting reading mat matter matte ma materter te The Chronic Is one of the oldest ohlestpapers old st stiii tpapers in I America Amerleahavlng having celebrated its Itshundredth Itshundredth 3hundredth anniversary annlvenar several l years ears ago agoand agoIUI a go goandand under the able management m n eme1t of Bd Bditor Editor hiitor Thomas W Loyies c easily ea8U takes rank rankas rankas ra raas nk hink tas one of the South Souths most representative representattwnewspftpers ve veueWSp1PtrS snewspapers newspapersA newspftpersThe ueWSp1PtrSTheThe members of Chicagos victorious victoriousbaseball victoriousbuebtlll victorit p126 p126imehalibaseball team will go o on the stage for forthe fQrthe I rortise rthe winter From pennant waver to spear spoorearrier sp str strcarriercarrier is a decided drop dropMiss drepXiss dropMissMiss Harraden the wellknown weJlIt Own writer writerthreatens writ or orlIare orthreatensthreatens lIare tens to leave London If her street streetnot Is IsDotnot paved with stone instead of wood woodMies woodfss WOt WOtMissMiss fss Harraden ought to consider herself herselflucky hers elf lt ltluckylucky that she does npt m > t reside on a street streetpaved streetpaved str strpavedpaved with nothing more than good goodtentlona in intentionstentlons as many of us do doWhen doWhenWhen all the announcedannounced changes are areput 3018Dut treputput into effect Just volts Cabinet Sontebowitr Somehow air Shaw must ig tst thave suspected all along a2on that lUte twenfy lv twen enw wthree tlfr was for hl bill express benfflt bcn benflt fit fitiiA LITTLE LITTLENONSENSE LITTLENONSENSESAME NONSENSE NONSENSESA3II2 NONSENSE NONSENSESAIESAME OLD STORY STORYIve JTORYIvej Ive Iv e wnndered through this yale vale of tears tearsfor tearsfDrnyfor fDrny many moons I wot wotAnd wotAnaAnd An d I have seen throughout througho the years of ofcandidates oreandfdlltescandidates a lot lotAnd lotAndAnd An d every candidate rae seen inside or orout orutout ut of o rings ringsIi recollect r was very keen to do o a raft raftof raftofof things thingsAnd thin thinAndAnd An d so Ive slumbered Jllum enMt well at night and andcalmly titulImly olidcalmlycalmly Imly read the news newsConvinced hews hewsionvincedConvinced nvIneed however went eIIt the fight ftt t the thepeople thepecplepeople couldnt t lose loseBut i iButBut Bu t ardor ddtb it seems abound before boforcthethe race is run runAnd nIIItAnd An d afterward Ive never found that thatany Iany anything thins was done doneTheres doMTherosTheres thv Hit Rub RubNoNo Roosevelt ar I the Emperor Wit Wllliam i1 liam 11a m will never nev hOst MeefWhy nteeth7Why h7 notr notrWell aol1eli notWell eli which would W w aid be giving the audi dl dleneef oncer enee on ce TThe Merry jJrerSelt SeiiiJors ioJH i iWJtenWhen he came around1 roUl t1 talking i Jktng bribery briberyto briberII IItoto me me declared Senator plgg Rlgglno what whatII did to him a aw WM wa a pienV p1 p 5t7 IMade de him cough up liberally did you youcheerily 70Ucheerilyeh cheerily eerily inquired rotund Senator S wr Sniieh SniiehUnweptSnltoltl SnltoltlIp ISn1taIJle tfltalaic I IUweptUnwept unhonored lnll artd umwmg umwmgThe ng ngTpThe Tp poet I declare declareThe IThe Ink m rhte italao bIacens OHM Minet have hv siung siungAbout 5mgAbout a mUJfonaire mUJfonaireFnmc DII IIIFnmc FnmcPaIPa Pa who to Mr 3tokr 3tokrThe okr okrThe1The The man who invented VeDted beer my son sonClanaic I iI i iOJadaClanaic Scraps ScrapsThe Scrapsaaeleatrb The ant Greek and afl Return Reau ReauWeN Iimeat del dMttsa tie tiewerewere w ere said III to wage torriM ierrtn btLttl b ates among amongtbemerfves Am amon aj ajY1 tbemerfves tbemerfvesTec th eaveTec Y ye fvt r often read nf U Use e MR mlii of ofthe 0the th e VB S 7 r tii A Hangover HniiKovcraey JnllJoijrBeyaey tIIere there Jtefcs Ac 4 lutz drunk drunkagnmr drualiate k kaagnmr agnmrNo a ag ate r rNoNo No yetFetTJioThe Xcw cw Vorfion VorfionNow Vor lpn lpnNowNow take this Up from one OIl who knows knowsso mawe 1018 1018farso far as seeUUns seeth1 Lazy 817 guts S M a 1NIIIILIi 1NIIIILIiIDa woman womancornedcorned e may IDa well be passed hi CKVOT vor of ofwoman a awomau twoman womauTHE w oman saasedTHE saasedTHE INNOCENT BYSTANDER BYSTANDERtionisis BYSTANDERi1IODi1IOD tionisis I FOR 1 1t TIIM u YOUXC YOUXCMy lOL 1My M y child If your ambition bIdoa te to be betit betitwise awise and great greatThen eat eatTMa iThen T hea the men who have e been noted are arethe 81 81t athe t men to emulate emulateJnKne aQ aQJJnKne J aUna Caesar for cjcamiiie f Jlh never Wild ueedthe Wildtbe nsa Ithe tbeYet telephone telephoneYetYet Y et bIg h fame to as endNHfng as the UIeIJPW ever evcrhMtinghMting stone stoneAteXMNterAteXMNter A exiide never never smohna kid a Ms Me and tJnl dgnr dgnrUnanibai dptJI1f dgatoniimUnanibai JI1f u oniim would not he tempted t to rid IMt is VII VIIa a trotter IiqIt ear earIfIf yon want to nnd ad the highway y to the thecitadel tbtdtadd tIs Scitadel of fame fameTo r rTo fameoTo T o be Hfee tile sraUMt peaisa ers M thoa thoaabo tltMever tiss aabo sboM M ever he 110W yowr aha ahaWashington aii aiiallWashington W with all laW honor Jlefts Jleftstaned nera nerer nererturned aturned an auto crank crankAnd enaIcAMAnd A ad he died a leading 1Md at jtninamnn 9t t with withseme wttII1MIIe wit Itseme money in the bank bankOld 1IIIIIIrOld beabldOld O ld Methuselah never fitted aatwith up p Ms hoiwe hoiwewMb bow Swith hardwood nosva nosvaNever Aoen AoenNever loon looneverNever N ever wildly ldly knocked a golf hal ier er UM UMgpreadmg UaeotItof tb a aaproedinggpreadmg OMtofdoors OMtofdoorsBonaparte otItof otItofDoaaputeBonaparte B onapsste was fong nf study in IIIwatcberi the thewatches t awatches watch of the theBut night nighttecandescettcBut h at I wouJdat read b bli pepsea by Aa AaMIUMIe a a atetsadeosenttecandescettc MIUMIe Hfht HfhtIf t tJIOWIf jowve JIOW ehonen something n taUIIbIIJ taUIIbIIJMQIIe heneiM as a afeatgfcfeatgfc fratlgcg3epraaa of ort1ae jmpr an > 1 13nralat t3nralat E the et neiple Istrd ia jp 1t4 mis Ist ty tyroberobe of tameDarwta tame faIniDDarwta D srvIa tfdnt t we the tileto oihw uswnfi when b ne nehadhad to 90 downtown downtownPharaoh W1tID1ILPllarPharaoh P la did not 1 ntay euchre euc yet he Is vfevt vfevta nat WN WNa 0a royal crown crownHuge CIQWII1l11Huge rank no n icecream Icee rean son eoIt eoItOft sod nr in r rworewore a mad mategp up tie tieShakespeare tiewtoteShakespeare S hakeepear wrote bis play m Ja free Creeno hand handno ano typewriter r wouU woullY le r buy bnyYetYet Y fi tooay to Q those men are listed wit4i rift tit the thetruly t c ctrul Ittruly truly md7A great greatAndAnd A nd my child cM cbII they are the people pie that thatyou UlataIat Use atought to eontfaUeyou y t tThese IThNeThese sr art A they whose names are gravm gravmin G11lfmin grays graysthe Siin the t dtad1 itao tdI > l of Came CameAnd fameAJNIAnd AJNI A M of course cou you have the secret secretJIIIJut secretJIIIJutJOUr secretnon secretnonyour make makeyour IC tyour ways and theiR tile some aIUIIeIITTI ameI1TTM8I1TTM8 IITTI U HBXRYS MEMORANDA MEMORANDAThe 3I JIOR L D DTIMThe man that pats yon on the hid htdmniMc hidyea he idmniMc you fed goed but the man that tJlattedd thateddy te teteddyteddy tedd t to It kflc CIk yon out t of the plains te the theone theOAeo Li 5one o ne that nmkca you work workUukei workUdx1 woitUIIkeIUukei Bill sez thares lots of peepie pee tbat tbathap t1MtthaP the ithap h a a good aim in life but there gun Isent Isenttoded fsentloded lee itlodedMUt l toded todedMoaotMoaot apolligiM apnlltsi te tdttn people you 0 ou are aresorry at atserry resorry for C o d doin m sumthtn nttktu they hav forgot forgotabout fOrplalHmt forgi itabout or dWent noUn ROt at the time Any Anything An1thinS An Anhing thing t tin is too seryus IYU to apoillgize for forPa torPIlPa sez these manufactrers fe seWn seWnthe ae aesmnthesmnthe s the they are puttin artifiahd bet hair in inartilskel InarUfIshelartilskel a rtlttb butter butterSum buU buUSumSum girt tt ginO has there pictures tur took show showla showlit rla them wsrin warm white operas a Ai if thay was wasdein wasdoh wi adole housework hou ework But tbay only ware re the theapenui tJaeaHrM U atapenui about two mmneU while Ie the pfc pfcter pic pictn p1 p1tee Ctee b 1 brtn hem made madeI ma4eII haT red a grate meanT Woggerfys of ofgrate ofgrate I Igrate Li tgrate men but I havent MUsed that any anyof iUlYoC ax sy syofof them was ever knone as a meddle meddlechiW modlIddld modalchiW chiWUnkel ddldCnkelUnkel Bill sez z lasted of the wimmen wimmencryto wtmmencrylB wimmi Incryto at weddias w dlns the men otto cry for forthe forthe f fthe orthe poor oor feller that Uaa t te beta marrld marrldUnkel MarrldUnkel noarridUnkelUnkel BUI sex a baldbedded man is issafe Isate Ssafe unites s sum woman OmaA concludes to tomarry tomITYmarry him to see if she cant rase hair hairfcr hairfer ho hofcr rfcr him himMinus himMltlausMinus Btlfers Bnf t8 was over to our hous housagate bousagam hot hotagainagate yesterday 7f1Iterda tellin her trubbiee trubbl trubbleaHer to tomama 1 Her trubbies t sounded a good doel doellike doellike de iel iellike 1like goeslp getup p to me meCuzdn meCuuiDCuzdn Rufus sez be knose e his gurl gun Is Iswurkin Iswurkintwurkin wurkint him a lacetrimmed pen wipar wiparfor wiportor wip orfor a Christmas gift but you OU bat if he heast lidast iast t her to patch the belt of hit vest whore whoreit who whoIt re jit is tore she would haY a flt fltPa ntPa litPa come hoam las Bite an sed it made madeaim madeadm ma maelm tieaim mad the way some men acted cted He Heed Heed I Ineded ed he had akel 4 told Gorge Perkins sactly bow bowto bowto litlitdoto dig d the pannyma canal but it dldent do dono donono sood eod i ast him why rodent Gorge Gorgego GorgetO Oar goOaridgo u n dig It an then I had to go to bed bedv btdWILBUR be beWILBtSR idv WILBUR NBSBIT NBSBITOowrisfct KESI3ITOuiutitht SBIT SBITJOOIOowrisfct W9I bjr W 1 D 1 NesWt NesWtFim NtslKtThe Nesbit4 Nesbit4TheThe JIotiern CongrcH3mnn CongrcH3mnnF CongressnianFueFim F the KMBM K city Journal JooraOThe JOIII1Ia1TheThe m host Congressman in these busy busytimes busytfm bu SItimes tfm of practical things Is the type te of otmanman who works hard for the interests of ofhishis constitutents con tJtutents and has the force of ofcharacter ofcharactercharacter to get himself elf appointed appointedcommittees on oncommittees oncommitteescommittees where he can an serve their In Interests I a arnterests best Oratory is still a tine accom accompU nosot rnpHsltment pU hment but it does not accomplish accomplishmuch accomplishmuch accompli nosotsh shmuch What Is needed in Congress is Ishard a ahard tlbardhard worker not a flowery flower talker talkerTwo talkerTwoTwo Wheel Horses HorsesNo horsesP1 ue lb New York 2roalot JI JINoNo wonder the President named his new newcoaching newcoaching ni SW fcoaching team Taft and Root The coun country country coy intry for some time bas considered them themwheelkorsee coyits its itswheelhorsos Uswheelhorso swheelhorsos wheelhorsosAmerica wheelhorsoAmerJcn wheelkorseeAmericaAmerica for Amcrlcnns AmcrlcnnsPnw AmerlcausPnIBI AinerIcnuFinnFinn Ute FbOaodubfa PbutIeI Loiter LcdgtrJapan IWTapanJapan might mlb as well understand that the theAmerican theAmerf t heAmerican Amerf seal is to be peached upon uD n only onlyby opbby ot otby ilyby American AmericanHistory AmericaHistop AmericansiiIttoaiSoniCi1flCSHistory iiIttoaiSoniCi1flCS iiIttoaiSoniCi1flCSFilm Sometimes Repeats p itJ itJPmcFilm Uw tb Rodmtvr n HaraM HaraMIt H nltL nltLItIt can be b recalled by 8 many y of us that thatEditor thatE LI LIEditor tat tEditor E 1ltor PEOPLE OF o NOTE NOTEHootRoot Ito ot to the Rescue RescueII Secretary S er ecretary tary Roots redhet t speech in Utica UticaI CUealastI last hin t night te a reminder that in every everyI everyrialsI crisis cri rials sis in the political career of Theodore TheodoreRoosevelt re reRooveltRoosevelt Ro osevelt Mr Root has com come to his hi aid aidThe aJTheIDUmatThe TheIDUmat Th e ultimate Intlmat relations relat1o between the Utedatp mendate dat e from the Presidents Pre ldtat start in poi pOI pOIftfdlItloK Iti en Soon Soon after he attained ned his ma majortty majorityjortty jor ity Mr Roosevelt made a race for the theRepublican theaepubltcutjoreRepublican e pubhcen nomination for the legtsla lePalattore t Lur QI e The eonteat COftt ww wa extremely dose doseThe cIo8eTThe T Th e e nomination no tflaaUon was made in convention conventionMlJ Mr Roe Ro Ro f placed the lht th name me of Theodore TModoreRooRoosevelt Roo Ro 5evelt before the convention so oUOl1glystr UOl1gly ongly ao convincingly 110 attractively attractivelythatt that th at enough voteR wet Weft won over to tonete 0nomfamte no noho minate him though the rival candidate candidatehall candidatehhall ho d a majority of t Use e delegates deletpat pledged pledgPdbroreI bsfore be fore the b ballotttn bIlottlng Hotting began It was w wnllufiUhu nllu i iSt tku Root who ho appeared peIUecl before the tbeS theoStnte S St e KMnvaitien eatien which nominated Mr r rRooRoosevelt Roo Re oeveIt elt for governor xnen a awn the opposl oppositionI Uon LIo N felt alt conftdent e t of defeating feating him on onthet the th e charge that he was a tax dodger docJ Mr MrR MreotR I oot ot made UMde fA n that occasion one of the themost UtemostI most mo ot powerful legal arguments of his hislife hi hilifelife lif e Between these t this two crteos there tberehanhave ha ve been numsraas num others of less im Importaaceportance pa rLance in the Presidents great career careerwhich careerwhichwhich wh ich have been attended ttbxid tiJnded d to by Mr Root Rootfala a a masierful merful manner manec Their relations relationstorItor twentyfive years arsve have been closer closerand cloternaand en na d more trustful t ttil than can be asserted assencdef a enecJotef the relations between any 317 other two twoAmflkaniIAmericans An Anbe ircans of prominence Had it not notHtftbeen be st for hi di earnest de desire ire to aid id Mr MrRoosevelt MrUoeIIeveltRoosevelt Ro osevelt m in the severest crisis of bit hlacarwrcareer ca rter Mr Ir Root would not hav blLV4 re reentered retereclentered tu tufr terecl public c life alter having vi retired retiredfrom retiredfromfrom fr om the Cabinet at the close do of McKln leK n nJeyeleys b ys first admimviration IUlMildltJ1UODnothcr aInilnterUOOAnother An nothcr other Rough Rider JUdorAccordaAooordm According to a wM authenticated aW ru UJIIOrmor m ar the Civil Service Commte 01 Coss1O lIul n IOR will willHseen H H oly have aaV injected Into it real hot stuffThe etu etu11Ie stuff Anthor AnthorAHhongh AnthorlieAlthough be has set a hot pace far r the theDemocrat uu tin SDemocrat D snieertg u la the exettJng excIt1aI1Its eseopsiga nninalgn Araw Arawmg wmg te g to a clone fat Massachusetts nl U It the Hen HenHenry 11 11lelUHenry h enry Cabot Ca Lodge has found the time timeand dllleaM pand repose to bring out another boote bootewhich kwlatebwhich w hich win add luster h to his Hterary fame fameof fAlDeoC hoda aoC of which by the way be te prouder pro prootkr than thanof thallof I Ifof o f his hi achievements in statesmanship IThe T he title of f the Senate Sena Senataa latest book just justout JUSlout Jut tout out o ut te A Frontier Town and Other Es Essays Es EsMJIt says It The subject of Ute Ant part of the Lb etttte ti tle te Oreonnekl G Maw whose whaeeb history toreN Jdstor te teet I Irtilc Iet eN > e of the meet romantic In I the annals Ia of ofAmerican ofA o I ImericanAmerican A merican civilization It was w the Oleot scene sceneof e eameeronsof u nneaerons Moftdy bBttto with Indian Indianand I IWUand 9 ad was Je Jsopeeaai ya th exttreme rmes outneet on of ofWemtiewi ofJa 0 I9en Wemtiewi Vemsz ehrtttMUieo tev that t part of the thecmirjninif lie11M lb S Sacmirjninif en a The Tel TeltM volume contehte manyn many ensayaenen a n Ue ottowteg attractive tt thus thenwsrbeod t taoaeneltTheodore rbeod re Roosevelt OerWala1acapae Certain Principlef Principle Princlptesofof o f Town Ooventment The t lr tnite ted nnedStates tedSlate dStates S tate Senate and Benjamm FunkHn FunkHnA FntnkhncloseA A close friend of Senator Lodge te reopen responsible sible for the statement that the Senator Senatorfor Seaterfor 1for f oe years has received an Income from fromhte fromUteral7 aor nhte h is literary efforts far in excess of Ids nissalary IdsaIary iii I Iia17salary m ia17 He has written on more re phases phasesef PbUear a aAmericanef American history than any other otMrfa man manht ma Sht li i public life lifeSnn liteSnnSnn Vnlkcnliersr a IVevr aew ew Power PoTVerAnonymity PowerADonymltAnonymity te obsetutog h the name and IUMIACh an anchierenrta dacMevm ACh chierenrta lRflts Pts of a man who wboIG te I wiehttng wiehttngia wieblin a athell ia l tNt great State of Pennsylvania a big bigger bIaI bI r rea ger l ea intiuenee I today tocIa than te wielded by byany bT8ft7 b bnyany a ny other citizen of that Commonwealth CommonwealthOnly eonuowalULOafOnly o i a few years s ago B L A A Van Yalken Yalkenberg Valkento I Itoberg to whom reference te man made was an anunknown allunk a aunknown unk u wn country editor With John JohnWanamakers JohnWanamaker Job fl flWanainakersWanamakers s capital he vitalised one of ofPhiladelphias ofPhilAdelphia StP PhilAdelphia oldest newspapers Th ThNorth The TheNorth 0North N orth Americaa and a 41 has made that paper paperfeared IMpelteared pope n 0nfeared t by every member of the old Quay Quaymachine QuayIDftcW Qua yQuanmachine IDftcW The successive upheavals uhevI in inPennsylvania IDPewnqtvaala I nPennsylvania P eansylvanle politics which wl eh have been beenMurprislng beenMUrprtaiuh beeMurprislng the whole country for the past pastsix pat patea Isix s ea x or seven CR years yea are traceable le directly directlyto directi ty tyoto o the ethernet hatched batebl l and the fights fightsma4e fighi ts tsma4ema4e ms4 by Van Valkenberg Va1keuber A Republican Republicanhimself Republkanhi a aimselfhimself hi h imself mMI f he has had the legal l advice vice of ofone ofone i f fofone of Philadelphias greatest Democratic Democraticlawyers Ic Icawyerslawyers l awyers Judge James Gay Gordon and andthe andtbe asthe t he reform rpt they have accomplished have haveret havet haret s et t all of Pennsylvania P 8ylvanJa by the ears Mr 3d aVan Valkenbergs Yalkea s first big bi fight t was a to topurify topurify 1 kpurify p the t government of Pldl PhIladelpiabwhich Philadelphia Philadelphiawhich elphta elphtawhich a kawhich had ha won the Ignoble e title of the themoft thenoRt l0 l0corruptmoft corrupt city in the world He Hetook lietnok 1 C Ceektook l up Mayor Weaver an oM member memberof membof a t the once powerful machine toe made him htmrepudiate himreJHldiat hi hiepudiaterepudiate r the saner and then when win mWeaver WefLv r became unruly he dropped him himwhich himwhJeh kit kitwhichwhich mean that the mayor to now hay hai haiuging h l ug fresh and unlookedfor troubles MrVan Va Vulkenberg te young has no politi political poIttlcal polfi polfiambttkms cal ambftkws and Pennsylvanians aaa WI who yehave studied his methods declare tint his hiscareer h1aeJcer ii iscareer has only fairly fairlyA begunA Man Ian Without n U Party PartyWhan Iart IartWhenWhen hn the Hon Frank EL H L Wasfcey takes takeshl takeshLi tab es esIthl hLi It seat in the Hou House e of Reprrsntatives nPTn ntatlves ntatlvesAt en enatat the opening openln of Congress In December Decemberj Decevab ta tasas s Alaskas first Delegate be will present presentthe treIIeIItthe pa Ptthe unique spectacle ef r a member = of that tb 01 01cdybody cdy who has ha no avowed aO nvowtefor or even nominal nominalpolitical n nomin mtnlJ mtnlJpolitical 11 11politicalpolitical affiliations Mr Waskty aRfOY is te i a apractical apractical apracticalpractical miner min r and lives way 7 up atNome He made rued the race 1aCeCor for Congress Congressas Congre as asaas an a independent and defeated both the tberegular theresuJar ti be beregularregular nominees of tile Republicans and at eelDemocrats Demo nts Since lila arrival trIyI in Wash was h hngton ington i efforts have been made to induce India Cehim to indicate which of the two parties per Oshe views Iems most favorably but nothing noth of ofa o on ofaa satisfactory nature has ha thus far been beensecured beeRsecured be en ensouredsecured from him on tHls interesting intereati tagpoint The present pre ent generation of Wasb Was Vuh Isinctonuuis cannot recall a case similar toWaskeys Independent candidates for orCongress have triumphed in plenty but butafter butafter b Ut Utafterafter their induction into office they soon sidentified Identlft themselves them elve8 with 1th someregular regularparty regul nn nnpartyparty organization thereunless they were we reelected as the represeatattfes reprfseR tba of a third tJsl idparty movement The Tb statesman atato man from C raAlaska seems to be enjoying bIt ls unusu unusualdistinction n As As AsAttorweyststant shi tant Attorney General Robb Rob new a aJQClp a Ljudge ju dge of the District Court of Appeals Appealswas Appea18eoameIJedwas eomaelled to drc drep p It because of the theuw Istress st ress of other business bu His decision In IntIIat Ii Ithat th at case was against Fagta although ltho be bewax beeoevtneecl he Iwax wa s convfneed that both Attorney UOIIIey General GetaeralMoody IMoody and President kleftt Roosevelt would wouldhave wouldbye woukve Ihave ha ve been glad to have the theJttf7 circumstancesjustify il lw a coattail finding He te fenrteev fenrteevIn feu1e8BSa feaxientheIn the execution eeldoa of his duties and some someof 801Mof sometheof the most important taat business in the de department e epcutt dotpartment te In his charge But he hasnt hasntbeen hams t tbHabeen be en getting Like L ke the violet Iet he frequently t Uy Uyeeen blushes unseen enThree Dollars Unaccounted For ForFranFran rr on ito niuu Iimery ji DneRtts DneRttsPerry D DNpaZPerry 7 Bdmonfs BebllOllt call upon Chainimjt ChainimjtSherman haInim N 1Sherman ierman of the Republican Congressional CongressionalCacQBaign r18l11vl iiCacQBaign C Committee and CIIaInnaa0rtIP Chairmaii ChairmaiiOrtggs N 1Ortggs O nt of the Democratic commHte to toCfvc t 0OgiCfvc gi ve e pubHcity pubIkt of their campaign expendi expenditures I tures lu res as a soon as convenient after the thelection UIeeIee th CeIee si lection wW be begeJMft1ly generally seconded eu Nor Norshould No Iashould ab ould the job be a laborious one To Todale T C IaC tdale d ate we have heard of bttt three t contri contributions CUDU1bwtiou TI I butions bi stions to the Republican nepuI IIcaa campaign conlalI fond fondto Ito owlt wit One dollar from Theodore Theod e Boost Roosevelt Boostait tunet t nIl v ait one dollar from Congrensman Long Longworth J JwonIIworth w orth one dollar from Chairman Sher Sherman Sherman She man As no announcements hare been beenmade beC1Ifrom bee a imade m ade from Democratic headquarters beeh it ia iato isto I h 9to be presumed u that no cash was received receivedAA ecI ecIJt II IAA A s anxious country awaits awat dlldos dtscioenree remelstat of ofwhat ofwhat a ahat at fwhat w hat Chairman Sherman did with those uoethfff thou Cthree th ree dollar dollarAT doUanbAT Ui b line a Sinking SlnkI Spell Spellthe Iu peil lI lIaileYi elloTeldonh elloTeldonh1IirS1t the TrTrtt ffrff ffrffYhnerSajrYhnerSajr 1IirS1t A > bsld Y eld u truaaaass onwoi lt ltfeQd see yen yenfound ye a aAbdailfound a xeoeT 0 opening tot 1Qbchai nigiU nigiUAbdulAbdul bchai PashtuY Paat ft nat meaaent 1IIeU ae UMMC 0 OMighty 0MJpt7 0ightyMighty M ighty LhMiettM LhMiettMGrandIGrand VU3erNevwr mind O U4wIMIe U4wIMIetJuwh whole wholebunch Ib bunch unch te on you broke rate a poker pokergame poke a aame Igame g ame down to LaOertys LaCf jackpot Is ckpot and when the be boys called you youcouldnt yecouldnt c Abdul Pasha PubaUstaJc Mistakes Will wtII wtIIGradd WillGenddGrarfd Vnder VIV VioletWelt Weil 1 the Snitanica SaltaakaonIereti ha haordereu in isordereu o rdre that a chunk of pig iren It be tied tie dto t tt o you and you will make aa opening o lg in inthethe t he river without aay band at mU You Youwffi Ti Ni iwill w il be let la en the ground fleer T sharp shoe p pA1lccdote8 pSKidoodalum SKidoodalumAnecdotesAnecdotes of Jlohnmmelr 3IoIinnmie l lTmTm Pudt PudtThe 1 1 1TIleThe prophet gawd long Jo and earnest earnestat eirnent Iy Iat a t the advancing acIYaaeia foe foeWho f fWbe foeWboWho te te command fOR sSnd for us m today toda he heasked I a askedubd a asked at length lengthCated lengthC1eid tk tkCaJeU II IIubdCated the Sword wog4 of Allah replied the thevWer U SvWer v inks at him side sideMy kIeCOMp sideMYMy cempnmettts to the Sword of AJtoJi AJtoJiand Ale Lb Lbad tiand s ad tell him to look sharp quota Mo MobalMd M S Summed h hammed promptly tlf but inasmuch ISM as be bespoke 1 hepokespoke s te Amble and with a glesntr st glens sip sipiew rbrovr b iew it was H left to the higher critics criticsof end en K I Itof o f a later age te e see the joke jokeAppearance JokeAlpearnnecAppearance Against Them Themfnm TheuAutbF fnm s TIsjiinMifta TIsjiinMiftaRuthRuth uth was a citybred Mttie 11LU gfri and andwas aDdwu at ad adwanwas making J her debut Into country 17 life lifeWhile lifeWhile III LWhile out driving drtYbtg with her hersaw mother msth be besaw esaw s aw several l men and women kneeling in ina inwe na row we their faces close te the ground groundWhat groUndWhat i iWIaatWhat are they doing cklt she asked in inan a I Ianan a n awestruck whisper whisperWeeding wbilflerW whisperWsedhngWeeding W the ontona o onIoat Jou dear her mo mother I8Ctber na 10 ther a replied repliedOh repliedOh repliedwithOh Oh with a sigh of relief relief uy I thought thoughtthey tbeuPtthey thong hi hihey tthey t hey were praying to the deviL derUSenator cIet1LSenntor deviLSenatorSenator Stones Bmotinn BmotinnPTM Bmotlonr ImotIonthePTM the Mor Ye Yak BvMtoe Pox PoxSenator laItSeaatorSenator Stone St of Missouri II has been beenunbordenteg beeDun be eat 1un unbordenteg Isle oensrought mind It te tedoe Isdae 1 8doe d ue to Bryan be heno says ys as an act of sim simple shBpie oh a ohadpie p ie justice J that be should be bt elected 1eCteCI and andinstalled lID8taIle at adinstalled i l te the office of which he was wasfraudulently watraudu1e w 5 1fraudulently f if t17 deprived Such retrospec retrospective retresJdve wiS iS rotrospaPutive L ive emotion te like that of the American Americantody AlMrnlad Aisserles Pu Ilad mY who shed tears because IMpaUft so many manywere Man Manwere mat matwere raywere stein at Marathon MarathonAdmiral Marathondmirnl MsxthosttthuirnlAdmiral Deweys Remark RemarkFran RemarkFnIa RcmarkyFran y the Doth DothNothing Dabs X XNothing svaNothing has been heard of Admiral AdmiralDcwey AdmiralDewey Admit at iDewey ef C hue but he may 1M again attract attractattention attmctattenticm oUrs oUrsattention LCL tattention when some one publishes an in interview interview i L Lerview terview t with him of several years ears ago agowhich ge in inwhich 1fthickwhich hick he offended this country eountr by b saying sayingthat aytnftbat say rig gthat the Filipinos were as capable of ofmaintaining ofmaintan ofmaiintaJnta ifmaintaining maintan a constitutional and stable stablegovernment stablegtvel1Ullt stal l1e l1egeverument egovernment as the Cubans were wereHe wereIIc werelieHe Was Vns Too Kindest Kindestfttm Modestiran IotlclltFriran ARe AIIJ9MistressI Sneer SneerMistress mr mrMistressIMistress MistressI I was very displeased dlaplMsedat at your yourentertaining fOurentertUnfng yt iur iuretertlnfng rentertaining the policeman P lIaoman in the thakltGh thakltGhen kitch kitchen kite h he e en tart night nightCook nlthlCook1I1lttlt niktCookFaithCook Cook1I1lttlt Faith 01 did ask him intO the thodrawm thedrawing 1 ho hodrawing 9drawing room maam but he wouldnt wouldntgo wouWntKO would nt ntGetting tgoGetting Acquainted Acquaintedi cfJunlntcdKsta i When lien a Cjunoil Unon Grove lCans Kane woman womanwas wo won wonwn an n nasked iwas asked When Then did you first beoajn beoajnacquainted btoomaequalated bOO0 2Ub 2Ubacquaintedacquainted with your husband lshe si she an answered f41sred s sawerod swered Tits he first time 1 asked kat hlnj for formoney formeae I Imeaty Pmoney after tter we tv were married marriedThrough mfirrtedlhrouth rnprriodT1iroutn1iThrough with Thru ThrnFran Thrutile ThruFiutAawtewThru Aawtew 1 1TbruFran the BrtfaMfeThru does net nee go In the te Supreme SupremeCeurt Su Snprei in e eCourtCourt Coi t ef the United States Having dis discovered dsceftr tel covered it once in a quotation the hon honorable honorable in in orable judges pnvo vo warning te be through throughwith tltrgughwith throu throuwith gh IIwith ItAnoilgjpr Job J 3 for Taft1 1100 row the New aew Yeft lot W MPerhaps the u boat t thing President Roose Roosevelt Roosvt Ron st Ivelt can do is to send Taft to Berlin BerlinstraIghten to tostraighten tostraighten ostraighten things cut5HEARD AT HOTELS HOTELSAA very ory Interesting interest1ngvIsItor visitor to Washing Washington Waalllngton Washingist ton Is Capt John J Healy of Alaska Alaskawhose Alasklhos AIaakosew whose wh hos ose name to a household word In tho thoNorthwest th thNorthwcst IhtrthwestNorthwest flo rthwest CepL Henry was on the fron frontier frontier ironr ti tier tier tit r a momber of the Second Dragoons DragClOMIw when wh en the Mormon expedition eX we wad sent sentout wntout sertand01 out out and ho participated in many a brush brushwith bnl brushh h hwithwit R with h the redskins In the t days da when old oldBen 011Ben oldnJQ Ben Be n HolHday still drove his pony express expressacross cxpr ecpressoss n naerOMacross acr oss the th plains paJaa He carried the first flrrtload ftrFtload firstdload loa d of store tore supplies ppUa up the Yukon to toDawson to toDaon tiwtonD Dawson Da wton and d he knows Alaska as weB as asIf asIfbettoa if ifnot I Inotn not better Chan any 7 man living IIvl fer he hehas hebaa hesj has ha s been a constant explorer there for fortbe tortM forpestthe pest twentyone years yearsIt 7eanIt yearsItIt ie amusing mg now when I thiok thl of ofthe orthe ofmissionthe mission on which my good friend friendCapt trlellrICapl friendptc Capt ca pt James Carroll came to Washing Washingsouse t ton Lou Healy Hal Re aly Carrell came down here to makj makjtbe JIIAkJtbe anek aneket tbe th e serious offer to buy Alaska of the thePtderal tbePtderal thederalp Ptderal Fe deral government gcwenu lat and he was prepared preparedto preparedgivet to give for or it the ho round sum of ofIt 111010 111010was > 20WO M MItj It was no Wtittler b1elther btg either for he represented representedsolid repretleAtEdsolid representedkisolid sol ki man Who M hed the cash saLts to back him himup himup t tIu up I am here to tell t ll you now that if If1I18n Ifn a amanman ma n could today get Alaska for forM Jftft Jftftit lWie110 M IO tgreatest great bargain bargainev arga bargater 1 1eVe ev er consummated Why It is only a aquestion aqUetJt10n aestionq question qu estion ofa few years dependent ci cirailway QtIRtlway >r railway ra ilway construction when the Seward SewardiInsulf Peninsula Pe iInsul alone will be turning turJ n out JHOOb G90G9 WJ 103 of gold annually In the last ten tenyears tt tenars n nyearsy years ye ars the Klondike has produced thu thoi th thuch i imllCbn much m uch I lay 1 mv down dow the proposition with witiiconfidence wit witcoftft4enee withnfidencec confidence co nfidence that there te no sucn mineral mbaerlLlreaion mineralgionr region re gion in the world as Alaska and that tha thatwillu it will be pouring into Uncle Sams Sam lap uj Ktream str strhu eam of golden treasures tr re8 for the next Q h hundred hu ndred years yearsBut yearsBut i iButBut to get at its wealth ther th rl Is unt thing th ing aiwoiutely Jlffe8PluttecesFarj and that is tht building bu Dding Of the J Railroad Ra ilroad This te 1 a prospect pect that for siz z nis I > on a par with the Panama Paata ma Canal It ItvolvesI involves Involv In volves a line running from rom i point on onet tile th e British boundary sixty miles mlk from fromawsoni Dawson D awson straight ht westwardacross tho th thcontinent thntinentc continent co ntinent to Cape Prince of Wales alea It l lndi land la nd and thence to connect with thSiberian SI c berian coast by tunnels tunDel under Bering Berin BetinraitsStraits St raits This splendid enterprise la det df deiedi tined tl LIn ed to be carried through because t use It is isentirely ben It entirely en tirely y feasible and Is being pushed by byu b ba bt F Fsyndleata a syndicate of Frenchmen Freyc renf h hmen 1n RussIans Ru alanr ar i I ImerknimAmericans Am A who have the th brains brain the theand enei eneigy m rgy g and the captal to a accomplish i Tbe t he Russian Ia government g has given thi thisyndicate thlaYDdlcates syndicate sy ndicate a cenceasion of CL5QOOQO acres of ofndj land la nd in return for the construction of o ooBOOO 1 o miles of railway raIIa in Russia This Thi brings br ingu America and Siberia berla into close clo r rtlons i interest In teleat taken ta te it by eur pesple peeaee sai saiMr tall aaloMr tallr ef Guthrie at the Arhngton A Within Withina Withinfew kbin kbinaa few days dckgntee ia will be elected in inthe tlltile 1 1ethe th e constitutional eoatit Uoaal convention veotJoa The ann anndolt a aesdolt ti es win have Hi members SS from ruin od odOklahoma olrlOklaboma oWklahomaOklahoma O the tb same number from Indian bellanTenitor IndianatorTerritorj T ator and two from rem the Oeage satin country eounby satinytry tr y It is probable that the J DeIIIocrat > emocrati emocratiwill mueratiillwill w ill be te control of tbe convention by b bfrom bc bcromfrom f rom fifteen to twenty votes votesMy YOteaMy votesMyMy prediction to that the new Stat Staatwill tat tatillwill w ill elect t two Democrats Dem te the u tb United UnitedStates tattLedtaten ti tiStaell >States S taten Senate lMt and four ont of the flv flvRepresentatives livepresentatives ho hoRepraentaUvRepresentatives R l to Congress Con ea if net ail 11 of ofthem o om oemthem th em m wttl ftl be Democrats 1Drata Thr Fht reason rN80 H Hthat i itJaatthat tf t hat the Republicans R PllbllCJ18 are badly badl split pllt in infactions tllfaetJoniio liiacUonsfactions f and the fact f set ct that Gay Go Fergn JlerguIfOn Fergtwinison who gave ve n tift a most excellent admin 4udntratioafotratioa Is tratioa was turned tumfddown down by b President PresidentRoosevelt PreId Presidentoosevelt nf nfRooRoosevelt Roo R ev is i responsible lMIbIe for a an anamount va vamountamount a of f Republican eopUbll aIJ dissattefactkia dissattefactkiaOne di disatitfactkmOne eati8factkJlJ eati8factkJlJOOne O of the Senators nato for or th the new Stat Statvtil Statillvtil w ill almost a t certainly Htafn of o f Oklahoma City a very vet etY brilliant brill and anipopular andpGlMfJat aridoiniiaipopular p lawyer He H to a Mfmist M1ahJMan ppfan by b bwllJ blIbirtp b lI ae4 agdwIll will make he his mark Jf sent sentto MfItto sentVssiiktoto Washington WashingtonKeepyew Vssiikto VssiiktoKeepyovrKeepyew K J J8V eye on Wyoming for forth durintr durintrthe urIngflvethe next xt live years it will be the scene cet or orgreater ojter ofreatergreater g reater ter development than any State Stm in inthe Intile ittimthe t im Unite U said atd Mr E E M t H iioiteo HoJbroOk u upremtaeat iLplOlllilaeat aminingpremtaeat mining man of Monarch Wyo Wyoat Wyoat Wyotheat the New WUlard In the peat our ourState ourSlate ourtateState S tate has attracted but little attention attentionand attentionmid ttentionanetand a mid by Eastern folks generally has been beendeemed bee beeeemed II IIiemedd deemed a sort of Jumpingoff jUIII juaiphsg piaee but buiwe butwe butewe w e are net going gob to occupy that unen unenvtabfe 1 IEn11a1H unentablevtabfe a table status any longer longerThe Ionserrbe a aTberbe The magic word irrIgatIon is the ex exptenatkm fXplanatloM cxlsnatloutptenatkm p lsnatlout of our coming destiny detln and th thmiiHontf tho thomi thidillwwimiiHontf mi n JiQJMi that the United States Satapnrn Satapnrnmeat govern government guverreitt meat eitt te spending pe on thr th great woriu in inUte hit litheUte t he Big Horn baste will make of land landnew landMW lands landsnownew desolate d a garden nIen spot From From th thtime thd the theime most Mbsetute Mbsetuteconfidence tbleluteconfidence tbu1econfidenceconfidence in the tb approaching trlumoh nf nftheir ortheir oftheirtheir ticket remark JeJIIaI1tAd d Mr Elmer Elm > r Dover Dovertlie Deverthe Dovtrtimethe widely knowu secretary teeretar of the Re Republican Republican Repubilcan publican National Committee CommiU at the New NewWillard NewWfll NewWillardWillard Wfll rd Mr Dover is Just from Man tfuhattan Manhatghattan and while be makes mJc no extraw extrawginl extra extraOt extravagentgent claims he feels f J certain c wilt v > l be elected electedOne eleetedOne eleeteetOneOne man he said who ho i is a politician as there tht > rc is in New York YorkState YorkSlate YorkStateState has bet t a goodsized chunk of oCJloney ofmoneymoney that Hughes will lead ncaret h by100900 votes otes

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