2) I tried to download a free application - Remote. went to apps store, downloaded it, but when i try to sync applications it says "The Application 'Remote' was not installed on the iPhone because you are not authorized for it on this computer." BS! this is my computer...how can i not be authorized?
I went through what everyone else went through today: in my case about 5 hours with no phone. Finally was able to sync to iTunes, got all data resynced, downloaded one free app (AOL IM), used it a touch, went to friends' home, made a phone call, ate dinner...and discovered the phone went dead as a doorknob during dinner.
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you know I was frustrated at first....downloaded the 2.0 successfully around 10:30 am est but the connection was terminated 2/3's of the way through the upgrade of the phone itself....after about an 1 hr and 1/2 of traffic jam angst....i settled down and attemped to reconnect with itunes about every 15 minutes....my brick turned back into a phone around 3:15 pm (upgraded of course)....so whats a coupla' hours without a lifeline....the landline on my work desk still worked if I needed to chat...everything is up and running with a bunch of free app's from the itunes store and tomorrow it'll be like this never happened!!!
I upgraded my 2.5G iPhone to the 2.0 firmware last night after reading it was available early for manual download. Other than my not understanding initially how to remove the .zip extention from the file name, I had no problems at all. Downloaded the software in about 15 minutes, installed and reactivated the phone with no troubles at all. It did ask if I wanted to activate it as a new phone or from backup (I chose backup) so I'm assuming it "knew" I had an existing contract. I was able to download free and paid Applications last night, and all have worked perfectly all day. Have re-synced the phone today, and the computer recognizes it has the updated 2.0 firmware, etc. For once in my life, being impatient paid off - glad I didn't wait until today! :) 2ff7e9595c